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China Drama

萦萦夙语亦难求 (수유)

by FraisGout 2020. 8. 11.

Su Yu (2020)

A romance between a narcissistic young master who loves no one but himself and his witty maid who has worked for him for years. When the heart beckons, what ensues is a sweet and hilarious story of pursuit. The young master of Qianyun manor, Mu Juechen is a leader among men. Not only does he have extraordinary talents but he also possesses a chivalrous heart. Through his efforts, the pugilistic world lives in harmony and he is hailed a hero. In his own eyes, he regards himself as the most perfect man.

Qian Yu is sensible and intelligent. She is tasked with taking care of all the large and small matters in the manor. Mu Juechen and Qian Yu seem to be a perfect match but she is but an orphan taken in by the old master which is why they can never be together. Rumor has it that Mu Juechen doesn't get close to any woman because of Qian Yu. While their story sounds romantic, reality paints a very different picture...

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