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China Drama

人间烟火花小厨 (인간연화 화소주)

by FraisGout 2020. 8. 14.



Watch Chef Hua Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Chef Hua Episode 1 online at K-vid


Chef Hua

A story about food and romance follows Hua Xiao Mai as she falls in love with a bodyguard. Through her passion for the culinary arts, Hua Xiao Mai starts small and slowly makes her way up in the food business. She meets the cool-headed Meng Yu Huai who heads up a bodyguard agency and excels in martial arts. With his qualities, he is the definition of a true man. Meng Yu Huai and Hua Xiao Mai become quarrelsome lovers who are sweetly in love.

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