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China Drama

凤唳九天 (Renascence)

by FraisGout 2020. 10. 3.


After being reborn, a woman eradicates the obstacles in her way one at a time in the name of vengeance. Yao Mo Xin, the queen of Great Chu, falls prey to the schemes in the royal court. After a night of thunderstorm and lightning, her soul is transferred to her younger sister Yao Mo Wan. At this time, Yao Mowan was being chased down by her enemies. She falls off a cliff and loses her memories. Through a strange combination of circumstances, Yao Mo Wan falls in love with Ye Jun Qing, a prince of Great Chu. When she learns the truth about her identity, she enters the palace to take revenge against those who plotted to kill her. As she finds the mastermind behind her death, she also realizes King Ye Hong Yi's true colors and becomes determined to help Ye Jun Qing take the throne. Along the way, she becomes romantically entangled with different men who help her without asking for anything in return.



Watch Renascence Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Renascence Episode 1 online at K-vid



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