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Japan Drama

歴史迷宮からの脱出 ~リアル脱出ゲーム×テレビ東京~

by godfeeling 2020. 10. 11.

Rekishi Meikyuu Kara no Dasshutsu - Real dasshutsu game x TV Tokyo

About a senior high school girl in the year 2520 who travels back in time with her friend to correct the history erased by a cyber hacker through solving each mystery in the bugs placed by the hacker; viewers can also participate in real time by competing with the cast to solve the mysteries through the app "Smart News".




Watch Rekishi Meikyuu Kara no Dasshutsu - Real dasshutsu game x TV Tokyo Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Rekishi Meikyuu Kara no Dasshutsu - Real dasshutsu game x TV Tokyo Episode 1 online at K-vid


