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China Drama

暖男爸爸 (Single Papa)

by godfeeling 2020. 11. 21.

Single Papa

Ah Wing is a forty-year old single father. After the passing of his wife in an accident, he has been taking care of his son "Bo Long Gor", and has been managing a convenience store near his son's school. Ah Wing and "Bor Long Gor" depended on each other and Ah Wing slowly became a warm-hearted man who learns how to love and to sacrifice for love. Because of an insurance his wife bought, Ah Wing meets insurance consultant Zi-Meng. The things they have gone through individually caused them to be close friends. Career-minded Zi-Meng originally had no desire to marry but because of Ah Wing's warm-heartedness and loving personality, she starts to think about the meaning of marriage. "Warm-Hearted Papa" Ah Wing has helped countless of people and also has blossomed various friendships with women around him. But he still misses his dead wife a lot. Just as Ah Wing's friendships with these ladies become complicated, he realizes that slowly, he and Zi-Meng has established a kind of intimacy and mutual understanding.




Watch Single Papa Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Single Papa Episode 1 online at K-vid



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