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Japan Drama

4つの不思議なストーリー~超常ミステリードラマSP (4-tsu no Fushigi na Story )

by godfeeling 2021. 1. 8.

4-tsu no Fushigi na Story

A four-piece omnibus-style special drama produced by the production staff of "The Really Scary Story" and the JRA Japan Racing Association. 6 people gather at a coffee shop on a winter day. While having fun conversations as usual, they begin to talk about mysterious events that they have recently experienced. The first two stories are "Winter Miracle" starring Tsuchiya Tao, and "Lost at dusk" starring Aoi Wakana




Watch 4-tsu no Fushigi na Story Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch 4-tsu no Fushigi na Story Episode 1 online at K-vid


