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China Drama

熊貓人 (판다맨)

by FraisGout 2021. 5. 15.


Year 2030, in a dark corner of Bright City, lies a powerful evil force: Violent Group, headed by Wang Hu. Burning, killing, looting, they begin destroying the whole city, and also begin brewing a terrible secret plan: to control the human brain. At such a critical time, Bright City's two super heroes 'Panda Superman' and 'Panda Hero' take up the responsibility of protecting the citizens and restoring justice. Panda Superman's father was previously a very kind-hearted philanthropist, and organised many charity events. One day, someone kidnapped Li Li A and her mother so Panda Superman's father rushed to save her. Unfortunately, he lost his own life. After this incident, his son would wear a panda outfit, and restore justice in the community. Chi Nan Jie is a cleaner in the local zoo. He became Panda Hero so he can help as much people as he can before he dies from a brain tumour.




Watch Pandamen Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Pandamen Episode 1 online at K-vid



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