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China Drama

約.定 Be Loved in House: I Do (비 러브드 인 하우스 아이 두)

by FraisGout 2021. 5. 21.

Be Loved in House: I Do (2021)

Founded about 10 years ago, Seisei Studio is in danger of going bankrupt before Jin Yu Zhen, a person who excels in management, appears and he becomes the new director. On the first day of his directorship, the atmosphere of the studio changed completely when he enforces a single rule which prohibits romantic relationships and marriages between employees, and the violation of the rule resulted in a dismissal. To abolish the rule, the employees of Seisei Studio collude with a secret plan. Shei Lei, an employee, approaches Yu Zhen to snoop for information about the love life of this domineering director. As a result of various encounters, he finds out that the tyrant director is still hurt from a past relationship and is suffering from loneliness. Knowing that he still possesses a heart, Shei Lei becomes curious about Yu Zhen.




Watch Be Loved in House: I Do (2021) Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Be Loved in House: I Do (2021) Episode 1 online at K-vid



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