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China Drama

墜愛 (Moonlight Romance)

by godfeeling 2020. 10. 25.

Moonlight Romance

Li Yue descends to the human world under the name of You Tianle after being framed in heaven. He works as a divorce lawyer, looking for ways to absorb energy to prolong his life. One day, he meets Fang Duomi, a developer of the love pheromone perfume patent, who believes that the pheromone produced by love can be synthesized by scientific methods. You Tianle, who used to be in charge of love, accidentally gets together with Duomi and finds that she saved him before. However, her relationship failed because of it. Tianle grows fond of Duomi with time. Will the love line between an immortal and a human continue to grow?




Watch Moonlight Romance Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Moonlight Romance Episode 1 online at K-vid



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