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China Drama

半城明媚半城雨 (Half Bright and Half Rain)

by godfeeling 2020. 10. 25.

Half Bright and Half Rain

When a newspaper intern meets a craftsman, she unintentionally discovers a world full of bizarre oddities. One thousand years in the past, humans, spirits, and demons lived under the same blue sky.

Qian Xun is a newspaper intern who returns to her hometown after graduating from college. By chance, she encounters the mysterious Su Mingmou, a craftsman, and Jun Wanglian, a jade spirit. The extraordinary events that follow awaken a memory from her past, a memory that she did not know existed.

In this story, every blade of grass, every tree, every drop of sand and every rock has been infused with love under the careful attention of an extraordinary craftsman. They come to life as spirits that embody their master's life's work. They are kind, helpful to humans and continue to live through objects even after their master's death while those that harbor evil intentions evolve into demons.




Watch Half Bright and Half Rain Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid

Watch Half Bright and Half Rain Episode 1 online at K-vid



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