Japan Drama348 純と愛 (순수한 사랑) Jun and Ai The story follows a young woman named Kano Jun, who was raised in Miyakojima, Okinawa. She begins working at a top-tier hotel in Osaka. There, she meets a man named Machida Itoshi (“Itoshi” is written with the same kanji as “ai”), whose brother has passed away. Although the two are very different, they fall in love. https://k-vid.net/videos/jun-and-ai-episode-1 Watch Jun and Ai Episod.. 2021. 6. 10. #コールドゲーム (# 콜드게임) #Cold Game (2021) The Earth has descended into a new ice age of -45 degrees Celsius. At the evacuation center, dozens of people who have fled live on the edge of their lives. In a world where civilization has collapsed, money and status have no meaning, and every blanket and canned food is sought after, values have changed drastically. Humanity is faced with an extreme situation where only those.. 2021. 6. 10. 華麗なる一族 (화려한 일족) Karei naru Ichizoku (2021) Daisuke Manpyo is the owner and president of the successful Hanshin Bank. He also owns several other companies and some real estate. His son-in-law is a bureaucrat at the Ministry of the Treasury, who tips him off that there is a move afoot to reorganize commercial banks. Manpyo is in for difficult times as he attempts to block the merger between his bank and another. .. 2021. 6. 10. 花輪せんせいは半人前!? (하나와선생님은 반인분!?) Hanawa Sensei wa Hanninmae!? (2021) Spinoff to Kotaro wa Hitorigurashi. https://k-vid.net/videos/hanawa-sensei-wa-hanninmae-2021-episode-1 Watch Hanawa Sensei wa Hanninmae!? (2021) Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid Watch Hanawa Sensei wa Hanninmae!? (2021) Episode 1 online at K-vid k-vid.net 2021. 6. 10. ソムリエは迷探偵 (소믈리에는 미탐정) Sommelier wa Meitantei (2021) https://k-vid.net/videos/sommelier-wa-meitantei-2021-episode-1 Watch Sommelier wa Meitantei (2021) Episode 1 English Subbed online at K-vid Watch Sommelier wa Meitantei (2021) Episode 1 online at K-vid k-vid.net 2021. 6. 10. 仮面ライダーセイバー[聖刃]スピンオフ 剣士列伝 (가면라이더 세이버) Kamen Rider Saber - Swordmen Chronicles In this special Kamen Rider Saber Spin-off Series, the backbone of the Sword of Logos organization, Kamen Rider Slash will be revealed, alongside the biographies of all the other swordsmen of the Sword of Logos! All 4 episodes of the Spinoff Series will be distributed via the TOEI Official Youtube Channel every week starting from November 8th in tandem wit.. 2021. 6. 10. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ··· 58 다음